Romulan Ale and ending blogs

Non-stop party!

As I may have mentioned before, it’s my birthday on January 3rd. Being that it’s so close to New Years, it provides me with an option I haven’t yet taken advantage of, which is, of course, a 4-day celebration. Reasons such a thing hasn’t been done before include a lack of organisation, a lack of funds and a tendency to leave social events early/without warning. With that in mind, should someone wish to organise something, I wouldn’t object *hint hint*.

Prostitutes: The gift that keeps on giving.

In the event that I don’t find anything to do for my birth celebrations, I shall find solace in my western capitalist pig-dog ways, and buy shit. Which is cool and such, but I’ve gotten to the age where I want to buy clothes, games and possibly tattoos. Should anyone feel the need to get me something, I’ve made a list of things I’d find cool, but couldn’t/wouldn’t get myself:

  • LARP buddies – As you may remember in my resolution blog, I said about finding people to LARP with. Not that there aren’t people I can talk to at events, but, as I mentioned before, I suck at socialising, and I can’t find anyone who wants to go with me.
  • A hooker – For obvious reasons, that would include talking to said hooker the whole time, because I’m too awkward to “get it on”, at least, not without gratuitous amounts of alcohol, which would render the process a bit pointless, which brings me on to…
  • Gratuitous amounts of alcohol – Totally unrelated to the last point. I’ve just always wanted to make a bottle of Romulan ale and play some sort of Star Trek-based drinking game. The ingredients can be found at Also, it isn’t that I wouldn’t buy myself alcohol, it’s that I can’t, on account of having the face of a 15 year old.
  • Clown Stalker – The charming character pictured to the right is Dominic Deville, who, in the summer of Image2010, was hired on a number of occasions to stalk people whilst dressed in this fashion for about a week, before throwing a pie in their faces. While this would be both an awesome gift and an even better job, I’m not sure he’s still doing this. Even so, anyone can dress as a clown, and my schedule isn’t exactly erratic, so yeah…
  • Rubber Ear Bud things – My current ear bud-things are falling apart, and it seems like a pretty mundane thing to get one’s self.

A script of some sorts…

So, I’m currently writing a script, but I keep getting distracted with things like quick drawings, researching fictional creatures, writing blogs about my birthday, y’know, stupid stuff. I’ll get it finished and posted on here as soon as it’s done. Also, I’m having problems ending my blogs in a decent way. I just sort of stop, and it doesn’t feel right. If anyone has a suggestion as to how I can end blogs properly, please tell me. Cheers.


Quick blog: Parallel worlds

In Justice League: Crisis on two earths, Owlman attempts to destroy all realities, because he realised that everything else was utterly pointless, and blah blah blah infinite realities made anything he did not matter something something James Woods. Anyway (Spoiler Alert) he fails after batman strands him on a barren earth in an alternate reality and he gets blown up. My problem with this is, in an infinite number of realities, he would have succeeded with his plan to destroy all realities. So why haven’t all realities been destroyed? This is why I have a problem with the concept of alternate realities.

Vague resolutions.

“And surely ye’ll be your pint-stowp ! and surely I’ll be mine !”

Although we still have to get Christmas out of the way, I’m most looking forward to New Year’s Eve. For the past 5 or so years, I’ve had an awesome time at parties and such for new year’s, so I predict someone I know will have some kind of get together. Now, I imagine January 1st will bring a swarm of resolutions like “I’m going to quit smoking!”, or skinny lasses saying “I need to lose weight”, so I’m writing a list of things in advance, and hopefully, if I’m still writing this blog at the end of 2013, I can tick off the things I’ve done. NOTE: My resolution for this year was “Be more Alfieish”, which I accomplished through putting on weight and growing my hair longer. But anyway, here is what I hope to accomplish in the forthcoming year, and:

  • Lose a bit of weight.
  • Get a job.
  • Grow a beard.
  • LARP more often.
  • Find someone who’d be willing to attend LARP with me.
  • Get out more.
  • Do sometime creative.

As you can see, they’re all pretty vague, except the 5th one. I think they’ll be easier to do if they’re non-specific. My best guess is 4 out of 6 of these will be accomplished, which isn’t bad at all, methinks!