Quick Plot Hole : Hellboy 2 Schufftein Glasses

So, I was watching Hellboy 2: The Golden Army, and I noticed 2 glaring plot holes that I hadn’t seen before. In the moive Hellboy and Abe Sapien use goggles called “The Schufftein Glasses”, given to them by Johan Kraus, to find the entrance to The Troll Market, because apparently fairy folk give off a Glamour so normal people can’t recognize that they aren’t human. Liz Sherman says that the goggles “penetrate that effect and reveal the true nature of things”. My problems with this are as follows:

A. Okay, I can buy that humans wouldn’t be able to see trolls and fairies for what they truly are, although the B.P.R.D had been doing so since World War 2, but okay, I can ignore that. But surely an icthyo sapien and Anung Un Rama, son of the fallen one would have no problem seeing supernatural creatures without the aid of overly-steampunk goggles.

B. When Abe looks at Hellboy with the goggles, he sees his flaming crown and fully-grown horns, even though the crown is usually invisible and the horns are filed down. Now, as some of you will know, Abe Sapien was a Victorian Scientist/Occultist named Langdon Everett Caul, who became an icthyo sapien after an arcane ritual gone wrong. Now, when Hellboy looks at Abe, he should, by all accounts, see a Victorian gentleman, mutton chops and all. Or perhaps he did see Abe in his true form and didn’t say anything. In which case, Hellboy’s a dick.

Caul, we hardly knew ye.

Then there’s that whole crowd turning on hellboy for no particular reason after saving them from a big-ass forest god thing, but shut up.


On the night I posted this, I shared it to twitter and asked Doug Jones, the man who played Abe Sapien in the movies, what the reason behind this was, not expecting anything to come of it. But, lo and behold, 10 or so minutes later, I received a reply, consisting of the following:


As you can see, not only did he reply to my tweet, but he also Favorited the message I sent back, thanking him for his reply. And while some may nitpick and say he didn’t clear anything up, to those people I say “Screw you, Doug Jones read my blog!”.